Efficient methods for computational light transport

  1. Marco Murria, Julio
  1. Diego Gutiérrez Pérez Zuzendaria
  2. Adrián Jarabo Torrijos Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Zaragoza

Fecha de defensa: 2018(e)ko urria-(a)k 26

  1. Wenzel Jakob Presidentea
  2. Adolfo Muñoz Orbañanos Idazkaria
  3. Carlos Ureña Almagro Kidea

Mota: Tesia


In this thesis we present contributions to different challenges of computational light transport. Light transport algorithms are present in many modern applications, from image generation for visual effects to real-time object detection. Light is a rich source of information that allows us to understand and represent our surroundings, but obtaining and processing this information presents many challenges due to its complex interactions with matter. This thesis provides advances in this subject from two different perspectives: steady-state algorithms, where the speed of light is assumed infinite, and transient-state algorithms, which deal with light as it travels not only through space but also time. Our steady-state contributions address problems in both offline and real-time rendering. We target variance reduction in offline rendering by proposing a new efficient method for participating media rendering. In real-time rendering, we target energy constraints of mobile devices by proposing a power-efficient rendering framework for real-time graphics applications. In transient-state we first formalize light transport simulation under this domain, and present new efficient sampling methods and algorithms for transient rendering. We finally demonstrate the potential of simulated data to correct multipath interference in Time-of-Flight cameras, one of the pathological problems in transient imaging.