¿Cómo identifican las oportunidades de negocio los emprendedores? una aproximación descriptiva al caso andaluz

  1. Ruiz Arroyo, Matilde
  2. Bojica Bojica, Ana María
  3. Albacete Sáez, Carlos A.
  4. Fuentes Fuentes, María del Mar
Gestión Joven

ISSN: 1988-9011

Year of publication: 2009

Issue: 3

Type: Article

More publications in: Gestión Joven


The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the study of the factors and characteristics that may influence the entrepreneurial process, focusing specifically on the identification of entrepreneurial opportunities. Our study analyzes a sample of 241 Andalusian entrepreneurs that have driven one or several entrepreneurial opportunities. The results of the descriptive analysis show the role that entrepreneur�s characteristics, motivation, human capital (specially prior knowledge), and the sources for opportunity identification play in the discovery of new opportunities.

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