Divulgación de información sobre responsabilidad social de los gobiernos locales europeosEl caso de los países nórdicos

  1. Andrés Navarro Galera
  2. Pilar Tirado Valencia
  3. Mercedes Ruiz Lozano
  4. Araceli de los Ríos Berjillos
Gestión y política pública

ISSN: 2448-9182 1405-1079

Year of publication: 2015

Volume: 24

Issue: 1

Pages: 229-270

Type: Article

More publications in: Gestión y política pública


Public agencies should inform about their behavior in the space of the social responsibility not only to legitimate their existence but also to inform their stakeholders how they are responding to their demands. Web sites are a communication medium appropriate and accessible in this globalized and computerized world. In this context, the object of this investigation is to analyze the information related with the social responsibility that European town councils provide in their web pages, particularly of the main Nordic countries town councils. In addition, it will be analyzed if we can observe some similar guidelines of behavior applying the analysis cluster. The obtained results will allow to know the treatment that these countries give to the information related to socially responsible behavior and what are the main variables they are more responsive to.

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