Encuesta a Facultades de Odontología Europeas sobre la enseñanza de la odontología preventiva y comunitaria
ISSN: 0213-4144
Ano de publicación: 1996
Título do exemplar: Odontoestomatología preventiva y comunitaria
Volume: 12
Número: 7
Páxinas: 419-424
Tipo: Artigo
Outras publicacións en: Archivos de odontoestomatología
A survey about pregraduate dental education in Community and Preventive Dentistry (CPD) was recovered from 45 European Dental Schools (68.2% response rate). The questionnaire is composed by seven different parts: Dental School general information, CPD general information, didactic program, clinical program, school-year organization, community practices and personal opinions. The mean year when the Schools started is 1936 and 1977 is theyear when CPD was implemented. The total clock hours for dental curriculum is 5094 and the mean for CPD is 120 hours. 43.5% and 58.55 of the time corresponds to didactic and clinical, respectively. Oral hygiene, periodontal disease prevention and fluorides are the didactic contents spending more lective hours; with diet control, plaque control, topical fluorides and fissure sealants being the clinical contents most important. About personal opinions, 75% think that the time spending in CPD is enough, with 57.5% thinking that the actitudes from the dental personnel in his/her country on dental prevention is positive. lt is necessary to go on the implementation of dental prevention education to get a higher value of the prevention in the community.