The impact of an Adult Education Training Course (basic level) and the Language and Communication skills in adults’ professional lives

  1. Ana Cristina Freitas de Jesus Raimundo
  2. Francisco Javier Hinojo Lucena

ISSN: 1989-9572

Datum der Publikation: 2015

Ausgabe: 6

Nummer: 1

Seiten: 9-21

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: JETT


The presented article based on a research work seeks to reflect on the impact that Adults Education Training Courses (basic level) had on the changes that have occurred in adults’ professional lives. The Education and Adults Training Courses that emerged in Portugal in 2000 fit in the guide lines of learning through life followed by Europe. In this context, the main objectives are to increase competitiveness, promote employability, reinforce social cohesion and increase education and qualification levels. Taking this premise into account, Adults Education should give citizens the required skills to face the demands of these days, namely should give skills that allow them to adapt to society and to the needs of each day , promoting autonomy, adaptability, flexibility, creativity and critical participation in social and professional life. The Education Training Courses are part of The New Opportunities Initiative2. This initiative is currently being restructured so it is important to analyse the contribution of this training offer to the Portuguese’s qualification and to their inclusion in the labour market, measuring if adults that attended these courses obtained skills that allow them to face the challenges of this new society and work market, such it has been advocated by European policies concerning adults education.

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