Dos homenajes a Beethovenlos cuartetos de Pere Tintorer (1814-1891) y Quintín Esquembre (1885-1965)
- 1 Universidad de Granada, España
ISSN: 0211-3538
Year of publication: 2020
Issue: 75
Pages: 61-91
Type: Article
More publications in: Anuario musical: Revista de musicología del CSIC
This study deals with the history of Ludwig van Beethoven’s reception in Spain during the second half of the 19th century and the first third of the 20th century, with special attention to musical creation, focused —within the frame of the historical and musical context of the period— on two chamber compositions, one by Pere Tintorer (1814-1891) and another one by Quintín Esquembre (1885-1965). Both work titles on the cover of the respective scores refer explicitly to the German musician, and that is why the question arises: How did the two Spaniards carry out their approximation to the supposed model and what are the compositional resources employed? Tintorer’s Piano Quartet in C minor (ca. 1865), entitled Un Souvenir de L. van Beethoven (in one movement, durchkomponiert in two parts), includes a motivic quotation, probably from Beethoven’s Piano Trio in C minor op. 1 no. 3. Used as a kind of motto, this motif defines the second part of the work by being repeatedly cited, specifically in its first section and in the coda, the latter displaying an intensive motivic elaboration. In contrast, Esquembre’s String Quartet in G minor (1926), named Homenaje a Beethoven, renounces to literal quotations, opting instead for the deliberate evocation of the traditional characters of its four movements. These are cyclically related by means of a common “generating cell” from which derive concise rhythmic-diastematic elements that, in part, refer to the basic typology of Beethoven’s designs, acting —similarly to them— as “developmental motives” (K. von Fischer, 1948; 2nd ed. 1972).
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