Inadequate prenatal care and maternal country of birth: A retrospective study of southeast Spain

  1. Martínez-García, E.
  2. Olvera-Porcel, Mo.C.
  3. De Dios Luna-Del Castillo, J.
  4. Jiménez-Mejías, E.
  5. Amezcua-Prieto, C.
  6. Bueno-Cavanillas, A.
European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology

ISSN: 1872-7654 0301-2115

Année de publication: 2012

Volumen: 165

Número: 2

Pages: 199-204

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1016/J.EJOGRB.2012.08.004 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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