Functional task kinematic like biomarkers with rgb-d camera in axial spondyloarthritis and non-specific low back pain

  1. Trinidad Fernández, Manuel
Supervised by:
  1. Manuel González Sánchez Director
  2. Antonio Ignacio Cuesta Vargas Director

Defence university: Universidad de Málaga

Fecha de defensa: 23 April 2021

  1. Eva Swinnen Chair
  2. Ulrike Vandaele Secretary
  3. Noelia Moreno Morales Committee member
  4. Carolina Fernández Lao Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 659514 DIALNET lock_openTESEO editor


Introduction: Axial spondyloarthritis (AS) and non-specific low back pain (NSLBP) are two pathologies that affect the back causing limitation in movement and pain mainly. Kinematics through human motion capture with a markerless system has been used in recent years with promising results. RGB-D cameras are a video capture motion system without markers and can develop a presentation of the human body by creating a virtual skeleton model from which to extract kinematic information about movement. Objective: The general objective of this work was to analyze the use of the RGB-D camera as an assessment tool in patients with AS and subacute and chronic non-specific LBP. Two validation studies of the camera were carried out in these clinical populations and two studies were subsequently carried out to test its applicability in the same populations. Results: The experimental part of this PhD dissertation is divided into 4 chapters to achieve the objective. CLINIMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF RGB-D CAMERA IN AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: the RGB-D camera could be a reliable tool to assess the movement limitations in AS depending on the functional task where Bending tasks have obtained good results in validity and reliability. It is necessary to further investigate the Chair task in linear acceleration. The clinimetric outcomes of the TUG and other tests by the RGB-D camera was shown to be less reliable. REFERENCE VALUES OF CLUSTERING RGB-D CAMERA OBTAINED ACCORDING TO DISEASE SEVERITY OF AXIAL SPONDYLOARTHRITIS: A PILOT STUDY: The sample was classified in two groups using the BASFI scale and BASDAI scale: Group with high disease impact and group with low disease impact. These results provide more preliminary insight into the movement analysis in AS with an RGB-D camera comparing to different severity groups. CLINIMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF RGB-D CAMERA IN NON-SPECIFIC LOW BACK PAIN: The RGB-D camera used to assess functional tests can be a valid tool depending on the type of test to be analysed. Kinematics analysed during the STS test, bending test, and sock test reached validity, reliability, and responsiveness measures from moderate to good. The clinimetric outcomes of the TUG and other tests by the RGB-D camera was shown to be less reliable. CLUSTERING RGB-D CAMERA OBTAINED KINEMATIC OUTCOMES ACCORDING TO DISEASE SEVERITY OF NON-SPECIFIC LOW BACK PAIN: There were differences between NSLBP subjects and non-LBP subjects depending on the functional test: angular velocity and accelerations in Bending test, displacement and accelerations in STS test and angular acceleration in Sock test. The total linear acceleration variables during the STS test and the linear acceleration of Bending trunk test were significantly different between the most affected group and the least affected group. The kinematic variables in the Sock test did not discriminate between the two groups. Conclusions: The RGB-D camera can be a valid evaluation tool in patients with AS and subacute and chronic NSLBP, depending on the functional test. Furthermore, the specific kinematic variables collected by an RGB-D camera can show kinematic results and distinguish different severities when evaluating these patients.