Obstáculos sociales en el adelgazamiento: un relato biográfico

  1. Gómez Urquiza, José Luis
  2. Urquiza Olmo, Josefa
  3. Garrido Jiménez, Javier
Archivos de la Memoria

ISSN: 1699-602X

Year of publication: 2013

Issue: 10

Type: Article

More publications in: Archivos de la Memoria


The obesity, that is suffering a warning rise in the whole world, is a risk factor of many chronic diseases. The interventions used to prevent the obesity and weight loss are not new for most of the population. Despite that, this pathology has a high prevalence and incidence with a growing trend that deserve a special attention from the health services. In addressing this kind of patients we have to keep in mind the adherence to the therapeutic regimen and the influence of the socio-cultural factors that surrounds the obese people. Attending this socio-cultural factor, this article presents a biographic story that tells the difficulties that a young women find when she wants to lose weight due to the social customs and peer pressure. From her words she shows us the problems that she finds in her weight loss process and the frustration that causes the vicious cycle of get fat and get thin.