El Neógeno del Valle de los Guájares (Cordillera Bética, Granada)

  1. Antonio Estévez Rubio
  2. J.M. González-Donoso
  3. Dolores Linares
  4. Ángel Carlos López Garrido
  5. José Rodríguez Fernández
  6. Carlos Sanz de Galdeano
  7. Francisco Serrano Lozano
Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Geológicos

ISSN: 0212-4300

Datum der Publikation: 1985

Nummer: 4

Seiten: 33-54

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Mediterránea: Serie de Estudios Geológicos


The geological study, lead upon the lithostratigraphic characteristics, the faunistic content and the age of the neogene materials from the Guájares valley reveals the presence of terranes belonging to the Serravallian and the Tortonian, besides the ones corresponding to the Pliocene (?) - Quaternary. The deformation features of such materials are essentially due to faults showing both horizontal and vertical slips, which strongly controlled the relief and the deposition. From these data and others of regional character we envisage the geological evolution of the area, once the main structuration of the Betic Cordilleras during the lower Miocene was already accomplished. In this regard two deformational phases stand out: a finiserravallian phase, responsible for sorne reverse faults concerning serravallian pelagic marls and alpujarride materials and, probably also and for the birth of important fault systems which could already control the sedimentation; which a second one, the intratortonian phase, which yields an angular unconformity within the tortonian materials as well as a new activity, mainly with vertical displacements, of the previous fault systems. The Pliocene (?)- Quaternary deposits provide also evidence of recent tectonic movements, the vertical slips being prevalent over the horizontal ones.

Bibliographische Referenzen

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