Cuerpos negados, discriminados e invisibilizadosSer inmigrante en la escuela durante la pandemia

  1. Bastian Carter-Thuillier
  2. Francisco Gallardo-Fuentes
  3. Alberto Moreno-Doña
  4. Sergio Toro-Areválo
  5. Sebastián Peña-Troncoso
Interciencia: Revista de ciencia y tecnología de América

ISSN: 0378-1844

Ano de publicación: 2021

Volume: 46

Número: 12

Páxinas: 471-478

Tipo: Artigo

Outras publicacións en: Interciencia: Revista de ciencia y tecnología de América


The aim is to analyse the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the school-age immigrant population, based on a phenomenological and critical understanding of the multiple forms of discrimination, denial and invisibilisation that are built on the corporeality of foreigners in the Chilean context. To this end, different background information is presented, organised into four sections. The first two sections contain the central elements of the discussion, pointing out those aspectsand dynamics of interaction that make possible the perception of the immigrant as an ‘inferior other’, based on the racism that has revealed and deepened the pandemic. In the third and fourth sections of the manuscript, the need to reflect from the scenario that the current pandemic situation offers and merits, about the need to move towards educational realities that are based on human dignity and the reciprocal valuation of differences.