El Encomio a Ignacio de Miguel Sincelo (BHG 818): Introducción, Edición y Traducción Anotada

  1. Álvaro Ibáñez Chacón
Talia Dixit: revista interdisciplinar de retórica e historiografía

ISSN: 1886-9440

Datum der Publikation: 2021

Nummer: 16

Seiten: 29-58

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Talia Dixit: revista interdisciplinar de retórica e historiografía

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The so-called ‘anti-photian collection’ preserves a synthetic summary from the encomium to the Patriarch Ignatios composed by a certain Michael the Synkellos. The date of composition or the exact moment of its pronunciation are unknown, but it is possible that it was read on the anniversary of the Patriarch’s death or his burial in the Monastery of Satyros. Despite being a summary, the text conserves traces of the original rhetoric structure and, like a βίοςσὺνἐγκωμίῳ, it could be the model on which Nicetas David composed the Vita Ignatii. This article provides a new critical edition based on the most important manuscripts with exegetical notes.

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