El debate en torno a la salud mental en Twitteranálisis del Día Mundial de la Salud Mental
- Rebollo, Carolina 1
- Rosa Martín, Juan José 1
- Piedra, Julio 1
Universidad de Huelva
ISSN: 1578-3103
Year of publication: 2017
Year: 17
Issue: 2
Pages: 18-29
Type: Article
More publications in: Agathos: Atención sociosanitaria y bienestar
October 10 is celebrated in more than one hundred countries, World Mental Health Day. The entities that work in this area are mobilized to carry out activities of various kinds with which they aim to sensitize the population and make people with mental health problems visible. The objective of the study was to describe the debate that emerged during World Mental Health Day on Twitter, analyzing the present discourse in tweets and detecting the most important actors in the diffusion of this type of campaigns, while evaluating the effectiveness of using this tool for the evaluation of awareness and information campaigns. To that we have extracted twenty-five thousand tweets containing the hashtag #DiaMundialSaludMental corresponding to the day October 10 and subsequent days, using the search and analysis tool Follow the Hashtag. For the analysis, we have been aided by Atlas-ti qualitative software and SPSS soft- ware. As a preliminary result, we have found a wide variety of actors present in the dis- course, from NGOs to journalists, media or anonymous citizens, all of them with a very homogenous discourse that stresses the importance of empathy and support for people with some kind of mental illness.