Impacto de la motivación, percepción y autoconcepto de niñas jugadoras de fútbol en contextos multiculturalesun estudio en Melilla
- Javier Ventaja-Cruz 1
- Jesús Manuel Cuevas Rincón 1
- Virginia Tejada-Medina 1
- Ricardo Martín-Moya 1
- Raquel Portillo Sánchez 1
Universidad de Granada
ISSN: 1579-1726, 1988-2041
Year of publication: 2024
Issue: 60
Pages: 632-642
Type: Article
More publications in: Retos: nuevas tendencias en educación física, deporte y recreación
Women's football has grown in popularity and audience over the last decade, although research on female players is still limited. There is a growing interest in psychological resilience, team dynamics and motivational factors unique to women's football. The aim of the present study was to analyse the motives and psychosocial factors that drive a group of girls to play football and their relationship with socio-economic, cultural and religious aspects. The research design corresponds to a quantitative, descriptive, non-experimental, cross-sectional study. One hundred and thirty-five federated football girls, belonging to different female football teams and clubs in the Autonomous City of Melilla. The study was carried out using the ‘Sports Motivation Scale-II’ (SMS-II), the ‘Form 5 Self-Concept Questionnaire’ (AF-5) and the ‘Intrinsic Motivation Scale’ (IMI). The results indicate that the perception of football as an activity has a greater impact on girls' motivation than other variables such as religion and self-concept. This effect is due to the fact that the perception of football is reinforced by experiences on the playing field, together with factors such as social support, enjoyment and personal success. On the other hand, the data show that the variable age has negative effects on sport motivation, indicating that as age increases, both interest in the game and intrinsic motivation decrease, which in turn reduces continuity in sport practice. The study reveals that perception of the activity is the main factor motivating girls to play football, followed by psychological and social benefits that increase their self-efficacy and social acceptance. Factors such as religion and positive self-concept also contribute to motivation, although to a lesser extent. However, motivation tends to decrease with age, highlighting the importance of creating personalised approaches to maintain girls' sport motivation over time.
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