Implantación y resultados de estrategias de eco-innovación en empresas familiares
- Flores Rivera, Cinthya
- Ana María Serrano Bedia Director
- Gema García Piqueres Director
Defence university: Universidad de Cantabria
Fecha de defensa: 12 March 2024
- Lázaro Rodríguez Ariza Chair
- Marta Pérez Pérez Secretary
- Virginia Fernández Pérez Committee member
Type: Thesis
This Thesis explores eco-innovation in the context of family businesses, analyzing the trends that are leading the way towards a more sustainable and conscious future. It also explores the possible existence of differences in these issues with respect to non-family businesses. In more precise terms, the thesis examines the effect of different motivations on the results of eco-innovation in terms of eco-innovative product and process, as well as the mediating role of the eco-innovation strategy in these relationships. The empirical study uses a sample of 271 Mexican manufacturing and service companies of all sizes, 149 of them family-owned. The results show that eco-innovation strategy plays a fundamental mediating role in the transformation of eco-innovation motivations into eco-innovation outcomes and provides evidence of differences in the environmental sustainability behavior of family and non-family businesses.