Uso de los videojuegos activos en estudiantes universitariosVideojuegos como estrategia metodológica
- Félix Zurita Ortega
- Antonio José Pérez Cortés
- Asunción Martínez Martínez
- Cristina Pinel Martínez
ISSN: 2385-6203
Year of publication: 2016
Issue: 3
Type: Article
More publications in: Revista del CIDUI: Congrés Internacional de Docència Universitària i Innovació
In the new role of the teacher and college student , you are given more importance to learning than teaching , the teacher assuming the functions of guide , counselor , consultant and facilitator of active learning resources for the second . In this paper we show the perceptions of 490 student teachers on the use of active video games as items of interest for the processes of teaching innovation ( European Higher Education Area).