Data for publication: 'Publication Patterns in the Humanities: Generational Shifts and Changing Research Agendas'
- Robinson-Garcia, Nicolas 1
- Arroyo-Machado, Wenceslao 2
- González-Salmón, Elvira 1
- Torres-Salina, Daniel 1
Universidad de Granada
Arizona State University
Editor: Zenodo
Year of publication: 2024
Type: Dataset
This repository contains data supporting the paper Publication Patterns in the Humanities: Generational Shifts and Changing Research Agendas. The study analyzes the publication behaviors of approximately 60,000 humanities scholars from Spanish-speaking countries, focusing on generational shifts and research topic trends. Due to copyright restrictions from Dialnet, raw data used in the study cannot be publicly shared. Included files: archetypes_summary.csv - Percentiles of archetype attributes by research fields and their labels after clustering. authors_metrics_dialnet.tsv - Aggregated metrics for 60,063 authors from Dialnet used to build archetypes (anonymized data). basemap_network.json - Basemap of the thematic landscape. topic_descriptions.tsv - Titles and descriptions of the 1437 research topics.