Validez antropológica de los métodos de imagen para la predicción de la edad ósea
- Tristán Fernández, JM 1
- Ruiz Santiago, F 1
- Botella López, MC 1
- lllescas Dueñas, D 1
- Gómez Martín, M 1
Universidad de Granada
- Martínez Almagro, Andrés (ed. lit.)
- Armada Ros, Eduardo (col.)
Publisher: Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia
ISBN: 84-96353-56-7
Year of publication: 2006
Pages: 629-638
Congress: Sociedad Española de Antropología Física. Congreso Internacional (16. 2006. Murcia)
Type: Conference paper
The starting hypothesis is to test whether the traditional image methods for the determinationof osteological age are valid for Spanish children.The objectives are: to verify the degree of correlation shown by the most common methods ofosteological age estimation (Sempé, Tanner y Whitehouse; Greulich Y Pyle). To determine the dregreeof correlation between the osteoilogical age estimated by those methods and the chronologicalage of Spanish children.Material and methods: a transversal study of an aleatory sample of 100 cases from the Province of Granada was carried out.Results: in calculating errors, significative differences were found in the determinatioin of osteologicalage according to Greulich's Atlas. With respect to the correlation of osteological age,there were no significative differences between osteological age detertmination according to themethods of Sempé's and that of Greulich's. The linear regression shows the discrepancies betweende different methods with respect to chronological age.Conclusions: the numeric method of Sempé and the subjective valoration of Greulich and Pyle'sAtlas have shown a greater correlation with chronological age. The dispersion of the values of repeatedmeasurements is less with the Greufich and Pyle's method, which should continue to beseen as suitable for clinical purposes.