JUAN MANUEL SANTIAGO ZARAGOZA-rekin lankidetzan egindako argitalpenak (5)


  1. Modification of the ECI/3855/2007 Order. An opportunity after the Act for the University System and the Decree 822/2021

    EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture

  2. On the affinity of three degrees "Building", "Architecture studies" and "Civil Engineering" at the University of Granada

    EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture

  3. The Renewal of the Study Plan of the Degree in Building of the Higher Technical School of Building Engineering of the UGR

    EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture


  1. La ingeniería de edificación: Una apuesta de futuro

    EDIFíCATE: I Congreso de escuelas de edificación y arquitectura técnica de España.