Aportaciones congreso (19) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. "Así vive el campesino español": reconstrucción, higienización y propaganda en la Exposición Nacional de la Vivienda Rural (1939)

    Comunicar la arquitectura: del origen de la modernidad a la era digital

  2. Categorización del "malleh" en Marruecos

    Comunicar la arquitectura: del origen de la modernidad a la era digital

  3. Comparative Analysis of Thermal Behaviour in Heritage in Different Seasons. The Royal Hospital of Granada

    Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

  4. Comparative Analysis of Thermal Behaviour in Heritage in Different Seasons: The Royal Hospital of Granada

    Proceedings of CIRMARE 2023: recovery, maintenance and rehabilitation of buildings

  5. Composites Vitro-cerámicos a Partir del Reciclado de Residuos Industriales con Aplicaciones en Restauración del Patrimonio Arquitectónico

    Atas do IV Congresso Ibero-Americano Investigações em Conservação do Património, Práticas Sustentáveis no Património.

  6. El lugar como generador de la imagen: el "street art" como patrimonio de la ciudad

    Comunicar la arquitectura: del origen de la modernidad a la era digital

  7. Elaboración y caracterización de compuestos de tierra mediante la incorporación de residuos agrícolas

    EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture

  8. Evaluation and Correlation of the Mechanical Characteristics Using Non-Destructive (NDT) and Destructive Techniques in Macael Marble

    Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering

  9. Evaluation and Correlation of the Mechanical Characteristics Using Non-Destructive (NDT) and Destructive Techniques in Macael Marble

    Proceedings of CIRMARE 2023: recovery, maintenance and rehabilitation of buildings

  10. Exploring built heritage through an interdisciplinary and cross-cutting approach: applying HBIM systems for the conservation-rehabilitation, management and maintenance of domestic architecture in Tetuan

    EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture

  11. JFML-IoT: Fuzzy Control for IoT Systems based on the IEEE std 1855-2016

    IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems

  12. La revista "Arquitectura" y el debate teórico en un periodo de desconcierto (1918-1933): la aportación de Leopoldo Torres Balbás

    Comunicar la arquitectura: del origen de la modernidad a la era digital

  13. Learning by teaching: Flipped classroom model applied to quality test and control of building materials

    EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture

  14. On the affinity of three degrees "Building", "Architecture studies" and "Civil Engineering" at the University of Granada

    EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture

  15. Positive Energy Buildings Potential for Climate Change Adaptation and Energy Poverty Mitigation

    EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture

  16. Proyecto de innovación docente REFOR_CA_Refuerzo de competencias digitales y docentes del profesorado del Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas de la Universidad de Granada

    EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture

  17. Teaching-learning strategy applied to heritage rehabilitation: collaborative models in a real environment

    EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture

  18. The Renewal of the Study Plan of the Degree in Building of the Higher Technical School of Building Engineering of the UGR

    EDIFíCATE 2023: II National and I International Congress of Advanced Schools Buildings Engineering and Technical Architecture

  19. “Zero” Industrial Architecture in the Cultural Landscape of the Vega De Granada. A Teaching Experience

    Graphic horizons