Publicaciones (36) Publicaciones en las que ha participado algún/a investigador/a


  1. A case-control study of HIV patients with the K65R mutation in the reverse transcriptase gene with virological failure [2]


  2. Acquired uterine arteriovenous malformation with massive endometrial stromal component [4]


  3. An evidence-based approach to test accuracy studies in gynecologic oncology: The 'STARD' checklist

    Gynecologic Oncology

  4. Antenatal infection screening reduced preterm delivery

    Evidence-Based Medicine

  5. Antipsychotic-induced sexual dysfunction and the strength of the evidence [3] (multiple letters)

    Journal of Clinical Psychiatry

  6. Antitumoural properties of benzannelated seven-membered 5-fluorouracil derivatives and related open analogues. Molecular markers for apoptosis and cell cycle dysregulation


  7. BETANCOR GÓMEZ, María José. Epidemias y pleito insular.

    Dynamis: Acta hispanica ad medicinae scientiarumque historiam illustrandam, Núm. 25, pp. 561-562

  8. CUETO, Marcos. El valor de la salud : historia de la Organización Panamericana. En búsqueda de una América saludable : celebrando 100 Años de Salud.

    Dynamis: Acta hispanica ad medicinae scientiarumque historiam illustrandam, Núm. 25, pp. 570-576

  9. Capsule endoscopy vs. push enteroscopy: Which one should we perform first? [1]


  10. Cellular and Molecular Biology: Foreword

    Cellular and Molecular Biology

  11. Elevación del marcador tumoral CA-125 en un aspergiloma pulmonar

    Anales de Medicina Interna

  12. Erratum: Daily supplementation with (n-3) PUFAs, oleic acid, folic acid, and vitamins B-6 and E increases pain-free walking distance and improves risk factors in men with peripheral vascular disease (Journal of Nutrition (2005) 135 (1393-1399))

    Journal of Nutrition

  13. Erratum: Drug-induced liver injury: An analysis of 461 incidences submitted to the Spanish registry over a 10-year period (Gastroenterology (2005) 129 (512-521))


  14. Erratum: Ear involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus patients: A comparative study (Journal of Laryngology and Otology 116 (746))

    Journal of Laryngology and Otology

  15. Erratum: Grupo de trabajo de metabolismo óseo (Endocrinologia y Nutricion (2005) 52:1 (29))

    Endocrinologia y Nutricion

  16. Erratum: Use of heroin to cope with stress caused by a negative life event in a patient with lupus erythematosus: Response (Psychosomatic Medicine (March/April 2005) 67 (341))

    Psychosomatic Medicine

  17. Estudio de la desnutrición en el paciente anciano hospitalizado

    Medicina Clinica

  18. Etidronate and glucocorticoid induced osteoporosis [5]

    Journal of Rheumatology

  19. Fármacos antiepilépticos clásicos y de nueva generación: Diferencias de sexo en la efectividad


  20. Hemorragia digestiva de origen incierto

    Anales de Medicina Interna