La escritura autobiográfica en el fin del siglo XIXel ciclo novelístico de Pío Cid considerado como la autoficción de Ángel Ganivet

  1. Puertas Moya, Francisco Ernesto
Supervised by:
  1. José Nicolás Romera Castillo Director

Defence university: UNED. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia

Fecha de defensa: 03 November 2003

  1. Jean-François Botrel Chair
  2. Francisco Gutiérrez Carbajo Secretary
  3. Anna Caballé Masforrol Committee member
  4. Antonio Sánchez Trigueros Committee member
  5. María Isabel de Castro García Committee member

Type: Thesis


With our doctoral thesis, we aimed to expose the characteristics of autobiographical narrative fiction in Spain at the end of 19th century. For that purpose, we studied the general idea of autobiography and its makeup as a hypothetical literary gender in the dawn of Modernity. In our research we have used Ángel Ganivet's works and his literary alter ego, Pío Cid, as a thread in a narrative form, the autofiction, which characterizes the narrative work of writers who represent the period from the end of 19th century to the beginning of 20th century, which falls within the Spanish Modernism and, specifically, within the movement known as "Generación del 98".