Mejora de las características tecnológicas y de los perfiles sensorial y nutricional de un producto de panificación mediante la formulación con aceite de oliva virgen

  1. Gimeno Montoya, María Teresa
Supervised by:
  1. María José Motilva Casado Director
  2. M. A. Elía Martínez Director

Defence university: Universitat de Lleida

Fecha de defensa: 31 January 2013

  1. Ángel Gil Hernández Chair
  2. José Carlos Enrique Serrano Casasola Secretary
  3. Rosa María Ortega Anta Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 336132 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


In the first part of this doctoral thesis the basic composition analysis of 16 baked and pastry traditional products of Lleida province has been carried out. The obtained data indicates that there is a great variability in the nutritional composition of the studied products, which is derived of raw materials used, of their formulation and manufacturing processes. The second part of the thesis has been focused on the improvement of technological properties and of nutritional and sensorial profiles of bread through the addition of virgin olive oil as ingredient. For this purpose the effect of addition of different levels of virgin olive oil (0-75%) on physiochemical and rheological properties of bread dough, and its effects on final product in terms of specific volume, sensory profile and nutritional composition have been studied. Bread made with 4%, 10% and 20% of virgin olive oil showed good rheological properties, but only the first two were considered acceptable from sensory analyses. The third part of the thesis has been focused on improving the phenolic content of the bread made with 10% of virgin olive oil; to achieve it, establishing the phenolic compounds extraction and quantification procedure of a bread matrix has been necessary. Furthermore the best combination temperature-time-format of product baking to minimize the lost of phenolic compounds and maximize the preservation of initial phenolic content has been studied. From sensory analyses and phenolic quantification, the bread formulated with Arbequina olive oil enriched with phenolic compounds has been chosen as finalist product.