Comunicar para transformar el discurso del odioaprendizajes para enfrentar eficazmente el racismo desde el empoderamiento comunicacional ciudadano

  1. María José Aguilar-Idánez 1
  2. Daniel Buraschi 1
  1. 1 Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

    Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

    Ciudad Real, España


Documentación social
  1. Marí Sáez, Víctor Manuel (coord.)

ISSN: 0417-8106

Year of publication: 2017

Issue Title: Comunicación para el desarrollo y cambio social en España

Issue: 184

Pages: 107-130

Type: Article

More publications in: Documentación social


In this article a praxis carried out in recent years in the Spanish context is presented. The praxis understands communication not as a simple process of information, but as a form of intervention for social change. This praxis, reflected and systematised in a continuous process of research-action-reflection, is carried out both in contexts of professional intervention within associations and in contexts of social activism through pro-immigrant citizen platforms. As a praxis oriented towards social transformation and the construction of a critical and active citizenship, based on the full exercise of human rights, the text includes reflections on the con - text, the principles of participatory anti-racist communication and the experience of dialogical laboratories. All of that with the aim to develop effective communicative skills to counteract online and offline hate speech. The article presents a methodology of participatory work for communication empowerment, which we consider to be one of the most novel contributions, and of proven effectiveness, which may be useful in other contexts. The presented experience evidences the strategic importance of participatory anti-racist communication as a tool for transforming reality through people who become communicative agents for social change.

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