La investigación científica generada en Chile entre 2003 y 2011análisis macro y meso

  1. Bustos-González, Atilio
Dirixida por:
  1. Vicente Pablo Guerrero Bote Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 16 de decembro de 2013

  1. Félix de Moya-Anegón Presidente/a
  2. María Josefa Reyes Barragán Secretario/a
  3. Carlos Olmeda Gómez Vogal
  4. Zaida Chinchilla Rodríguez Vogal
  5. Víctor Herrero Solana Vogal

Tipo: Tese

Teseo: 353905 DIALNET


A bibliometric analysis of the chilean scientific is made, between years 2003-2011, using Scopus as data source. Throughout the thesis an analysis of absolute data is made, along with the indicators that derive from it, comparing these with Latin American countries, with the BRIC countries and with the OCDE countries. The national system of science and technology is characterized, indicating the main inputs: expense in R+D+I and advanced human capital and stock. The scientific production made in Chile is quantitatively dimensioned and qualitatively characterized. The impact of the scientific production is measured at an aggregated level, by scientific field, region and sector. Encompassing the impact, average quality regarding the disciplines of the world and at the excellence observed at an aggregate level and by discipline region and sector. At an aggregate level the Chilean scientific production achieves an impact close to that of the world, that the average quality is above the world, and that shows excellence levels, standing out above the countries of the region and the BRIC and staying bellow the OCDE. The country of the region that is more similar is Argentina. The research Is concentrated at the universities, who in turn funds close to 20% of the expense in R+D of the country. The research is very concentrated in a few institutions localized in the center of the country; the exception is Concepción, who also achieved high levels of transfer from research to regional business, resulting in a triple helix of Leydesdorff.