Acerca de las cartas de servicios de bibliotecas públicas españolasun análisis de la información sobre los derechos de autor

  1. Fernández-Molina, Juan Carlos
  2. Pérez-Pulido, Margarita
  3. Herrera-Morillas, José Luis
Bibliotecas. Anales de Investigación

ISSN: 1683-8947 0006-176X

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 14

Issue: 2

Pages: 103-123

Type: Article

More publications in: Bibliotecas. Anales de Investigación


Objective. The majority of the services offered by public libraries are involved in copyright. This work has the aim to find out, based on the content analysis of the services charts, whether the existing relationships between the services offered and the copyright involved are properly identified and whether this is adequately communicated to the users as required by the quality management regulation.Design/Methodology/Approach. It is based on the location of the services charts of the Spanish public libraries. A sample is selected for the qualitative analysis including a wide variety of libraries. Out of these, as a first approach to the study of the subject, only the services and information of general nature are analysed. The following aspects are also checked: the existence of references to the regulations on copyright; the mechanisms available for the citizen to communicate with the library and participate in its management; and the services offered and the legal consequences for the citizen, what should be reflected on the content of the services charts.Results/Discussion. The results bring to light the fact that the references to copyrights in the services charts of the Spanish public libraries are scarce, either regulations or matters of general nature or specific regarding their application to the services provided to users.Conclusions. This work exposes that the services offered by public libraries have numerous copyright implications but that these do not seem to be properly identified for their inclusion in the services charts. The conclusions specify what sort of information is gathered in this respect and which way.Originality/Value. The majority of the services offered by public libraries are involved in copyright. However, this is an insufficiently studied field. In addition, these implications have increased in number and complexity with the development of the digital environment. On the other hand, the application of the quality management and the rules derived from this compels the public libraries to elaborate quality tools with the purpose of facilitating the communication between the institution and the citizens, in particular, the services charts. Thus, a study of this nature is of interest.

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