Bibliotecas públicas y derechos de autorAnálisis de la información proporcionada por las cartas de servicios

  1. Juan-Carlos Fernández-Molina
  2. Margarita Pérez-Pulido
  3. José-Luis Herrera-Morillas
A Ciência Aberta o contributo da Ciência da Informação: atas do VIII Encontro Ibérico EDICIC
  1. Maria Manuel Borges (coord.)
  2. Elias Sanz Casado (coord.)

Éditorial: Centro de Estudos Interdisciplinares do Século XX ; Universidade de Coimbra

ISBN: 978-972-8627-76-8

Année de publication: 2017

Pages: 767-779

Congreso: Encuentro Ibérico EDICIC (8. 2017. Coimbra)

Type: Communication dans un congrès


ted by the digital environment. On the other hand, the application of quality management rules and regulation requires that public libraries develop quality instruments whose objective is to facilitate the communication with their users, that is, service charters. Based on the analysis of its content, this paper tries to find out if the relationship between library services and copyright legislation has been identified, and properly communicated to the users, as required by quality management systems. The results show that service charters of Spanish public libraries include very few references to copyright, either its legislation or the general or specific issues of its application to the services provided to their users.