Análisis Metateórico sobre el Ocio de la juventud con problemas sociales

  1. Fernández García, Ana
  2. Poza Vilches, María de Fátima
  3. Fiorucci, Massimiliano
Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria

ISSN: 1139-1723

Argitalpen urtea: 2015

Zenbakien izenburua: Jóvenes, ocio y educación en la sociedad red

Zenbakia: 25

Orrialdeak: 119-142

Mota: Artikulua

Beste argitalpen batzuk: Pedagogía social: revista interuniversitaria


This paper is part of a wider research which ultimate goal is to understand and to interpret the current characteristics of the leisure of youth in social difficulties, as well as their interactions, according to contextual and identifiable variables. It is focussed on the revision and assessment of researches done on youth leisure�s trends currently defined, mainly on those young with social problems. The pursued objectives are: a meta theoretical analysis on the leisure of youth with social problems; and to design a map of trends on youth leisure according to the findings of the current researches in order to approach their reality. The employed methodology for this work was a meta theoretical analysis of relevant researches on the leisure of young people. The studied population is made up of 86 researches; however, only 40 of them met all the requirements to be at the final sample: to be published between 2009-2013; have a quantitative, qualitative or mixed methodology, and to be developed both in Spain and in an international context. A mixed methodology has been used. The quantitative data analysis was done with the software SPSS 19.0. Descriptive and inferential analyses have been made according to the following variables: year of publication; bibliographic database; publication� scope and sample�s characterization as well as their methodological framework. On the other hand, qualitative information was obtained from a content analysis in order to analyse the selected dimensions and discover the most relevant trends in this field of research. The articles analysis has enable us to establish the most relevant dimensions that make up the wide range of research on the subject, namely: technologies of information and communication technology (IT); youth�s values; the forms of youth leisure and social relationships. We have also established subcategories to define each dimension deeply: IT (uses and abuses); values (pro-social attitudes and anti-social attitudes); social relations (types, how, where, with whom); and types of leisure (day and night). The analyses performed provide a global view as well as the existing trend in relation to the youth leisure (healthy habits and harmful behaviours), especially in those with social problems. We can highlight that young people presenting more pro-social capacity are valued as better adapted socially, since they also maintain healthy social relationships, healthier forms of leisure, and know to take advantage of the IT opportunities in their own benefit and for the community. At the end of this paper we present future lines of research that have emerged from the analysed documents with the purpose of progressing in this field and of helping young people to use their leisure time in the best possible way.

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