Efectos del entrenamiento de fuerza de alta intensidad en condiciones de hipoxia normobárica sobre la estructura y rendimiento muscular

  1. Martínez Guardado, Ismael
  1. Rafael Timón Andrada Zuzendaria
  2. Guillermo Jorge Olcina Camacho Zuzendaria

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 2019(e)ko iraila-(a)k 27

  1. Sergio José Ibáñez Godoy Presidentea
  2. Nuno Batalha Idazkaria
  3. Belén Feriche Fernández-Castanys Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 602551 DIALNET


The main objective of this Doctoral Thesis is to verify the effects of strength training in simulated altitude conditions (normobaric hypoxia) on different parameters of muscle performance and power, body composition, metabolic stress, subjective perception variables, hematological variables and biochemical variables. For this purpose, two investigations were developed: 1) In the first, a single strength training session was carried out in normoxic or normobaric hypoxic conditions. The intervention protocol consisted of carrying out a bench press exercise with a high load (75% of 1RM) until muscle failure. The number of repetitions performed in each set was collected, as well as the speed and power developed in each one of them. In addition, different physiological and subjective perception variables were obtained; 2) The second investigation consisted of a seven-week strength training, also, in both oxygenation condition. The training protocol was carried out three days per week with an incremental training load throughout the study, starting with 65% of 1RM, and ending with 80%. In addition, a 3-week detraining period was included to determine the possible loss of performance. Body composition, maximum strength (1RM), muscle power, haematological and biochemical data were obtained As a general conclusion, it can be highlighted that strength training in normobaric hypoxia increases metabolic stress with a concomitant improvement in body composition and hematological values.