Educación artística y comunicación audiovisualespacios comunes

  1. Marfil Carmona, Rafael
Supervised by:
  1. Francisco Maeso Rubio Co-director
  2. Ana María Sedeño Valdellós Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 27 November 2015

  1. Ricardo Marín Viadel Chair
  2. Asunción Jódar Miñarro Secretary
  3. María Luisa García Guardia Committee member
  4. Francisco García García Committee member

Type: Thesis


Abstract & Keywords This doctoral thesis contains a diachronic perspective about teaching cases based on image analysis and analysis of audiovisual texts in university grades of communication in Escuela Superior de Comunicación y Marketing (Granada-Spain), during 7 academic years from 2001 to 2014. We analyzed the use of key concepts of Art Education and Communication Theory. The sample were 507 exercises written by students during those years. These cases are interpreted from the teaching biographical and narrative perspective (Content analysis and Biographical-narrative Research). The objective is the methodological classification related theoretical and practical bases linking Education, Visual Arts and Media Literacy to promote critical capacity in the audiovisual and digital society. Its conclusions and final proposal intended to apply to own professional improvement in teaching and their possibilities to be implemented in different contexts and educational levels. Audiovisual analysis methodologies and contemporary trends of Art Education are prominent in this interdisciplinary work, focused on the teaching of the visual and media arts weight. The main conclusions: 1. Importance of process-integrated image analysis with the suggestion to analyze by total or partial use of images result of the own creativity. 2. Balance between the tendency to analyze the content and the form or expression. There is some predominance of the narrative methodology with regard to sequential productions, and formal analysis in relation to photography. 3. It is advisable to implement a system of inductive-deductive learning that promotes discovery learning, and an active, significant and dialogic teaching. 4. This methodology is applicable in different educational contexts. 5. Media Literacy and Media Education as a common space for interdisciplinary development of visual and audiovisual arts teaching. 6. Finally, the importance of these activities to foster a critical citizenship, transcending textual analysis and working transversal contents as values education, using the Relational Factor and culture of active participation for active and responsible understanding of contemporary society. To close the investigation propose the Decalogue "Dogma 2015" for media and Audiovisual Education in the XXI century. A document to discuss about visual and audiovisual education. Keywords Art Education, Audiovisual Education, Audiovisual Communication, Media Education, Media Literacy, Analysis of audiovisual texts, Photography, Cinema, Critical capacity, Biographical-narrative Research.