Concepciones sobre una docencia universitaria de calidad. Estudio diferencial entre universidades y profesores.
- Arbeláez López, Ruby
- María del Carmen Fortes del Valle Director
Defence university: Universitat de València
Fecha de defensa: 03 August 2005
- Fernando Justicia Justicia Chair
- Bernardino Salinas Fernández Secretary
- Francisco Juan García Bacete Committee member
- Marcelo Carmona Fernández Committee member
- Amparo Fernández March Committee member
Type: Thesis
With this investigation we have wanted to participate in the process search and construction that has begun, characterizing our particularitity to be members of the educational community, with the general mission of: To demonstrate the conceptions on quality teaching that are in the processes of evaluation of the university professors to cause the revision of the policies and the enrichment of the culture on teaching and educational evaluation. The greater contribution is in the theoretical elaborations in where a vision appears on the quality of university teaching, like a situation problem generated by the pressures that they demand to the university to make cultural expositions that put it in syntony with the global culture of quality; it is argued please in the idea that in the recognition and the renovation of the educational conceptions, is the way of the continuous improvement of the educational quality; a space for the redefinition of teaching like function of the university professor is opened, in that the ideas gained as our educational college students are united, with the selected ones of the critical reflection of the concientious study of an ample bibliographical revision and, mainly, the ideas expressed by the educational college students with those who we had the fortune to engage in a dialog in our process of investigation and it is constructed in a gradual process, systematic and continuous a schematic route by two routes was made that allow to include/understand the vision that it bases the investigation and later recommendations: in the first place, it is the accomplishment of an exercise of theoretical construction to see, through her, the nature of the quality applied to the education and, secondly, strategies, questions and problems to find some lights to the ideas are approached modifiers of the action.