Concentración y competencia en la industria turística. Una perspectiva europea

  1. Soler Domingo, Amparo
Dirigée par:
  1. Vicente Jaime Pastor Directeur/trice

Université de défendre: Universitat de València

Fecha de defensa: 21 juillet 2004

  1. Josep María Jordán Galduf President
  2. Isidro Antuñano Maruri Secrétaire
  3. Manuel Figuerola Palomo Rapporteur
  4. Agustín Duarte Carballo Rapporteur
  5. Tomás Mancha Navarro Rapporteur

Type: Thèses

Teseo: 103232 DIALNET lock_openTDX editor


The Thesis presents a study of the concentration and competition through a Multi-disciplinary approach. Chapter one consists of an economic introductory theoretical analysis in the field of industrial economics. And Chapter two in the field of Law, through the European Commissions practice in the analysis of the case-law, covered by the European Community Merger Regulation Council Regulation (EEC) Nº 4064/89. Chapters three and four examine the concentration and competition in the tourism industry sub sectors. In the airline industry the thesis study the specific problems of competition: the airline alliances, the hub and spoke, slots. The hotel industry use franchising way and distribution contracts but high segmentation makes no important problems of competition On distribution sector the tour operator follow the strategy of vertical integration and horizontal expansion that are intricately linked. The study confirms the market structure are heterogeneous on each analysed subsectors for this reason there are different types of competition. This situation gives us analytical difficulties. The tourist product is complex and the anticompetitive practices in some of its components makes effects over the whole sector. Finally, from the point of view of the European Commission and after analyse fifty nine decisions in the tourist sector under the merger control, we can concrete there is a implicit hypothesis that shows the competition in the tourist sector has its own correspondence with the competition in the subsectors. The study notice that there are not relevant competition problems. It doesnt mean that in the future is going to be like this.