Efectos del sistema de pedaleo no circular q-ring sobre el rendimiento en el sprint de la disciplina ciclista BMX

  1. Mateo, M.
  2. Blasco Lafarga, Cristina
  3. Fernández Peña, Eneko
  4. Zabala Díaz, Mikel
European Journal of Human Movement

ISSN: 0214-0071 2386-4095

Année de publication: 2010

Número: 25

Pages: 31-50

Type: Article

D'autres publications dans: European Journal of Human Movement


The aim of this study was to evaluate the possible benefits of using a non-circular chain-wheel system QRing (Q) versus a conventional one (NQ) on the performance in the Bicycle Moto Cross (BMX) sprint cycling discipline. Fourteen riders belonging to the Spanish National Team performed a sprint test (3.95 s of duration, randomized and counterbalanced), from the starting gate ramp in a BMX track. The T-Test contrast analysis for related samples showed no statistically significant differences for the variables Average Speed (Vmean) and Time in 31m (T31m) between Q and NQ, when considering the group as a whole. However, when the analysis considered two groups separately: Experts vs Novice, we found significant differences for Q vs NQ within the Experts (Vmean: 5.91±0.03 vs.5.81±0.05 m/s; T31m: 3.21±0.02 vs 3.23 ± 0.02 s; P <0.05); what meant an improvement up to 40 cm in the distance covered within this first 3.95 seconds. Hence, our results suggest that the non-circular chain-wheel system Q-Ring improves sprint performance in BMX, provided the riders have a conditional level enough to ensure the capacity to develop the pedaling properly, despite of the strength needed.

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