Polymer depletion-driven colloids, and polymer-surface interactions

  1. Cerdà Pino, Joan Josep
Dirigida por:
  1. Tomás Miguel Sintes Olives Director/a

Universidad de defensa: Universitat de les Illes Balears

Fecha de defensa: 23 de septiembre de 2005

  1. Raúl Toral Garcés Presidente/a
  2. Emilio Hernández García Secretario/a
  3. Josep Bonet Avalos Vocal
  4. Ignacio Pagonabarraga Mora Vocal
  5. Roque Hidalgo Álvarez Vocal

Tipo: Tesis


The purpose of this thesis is to give an insight about several still non rather well understood issues in polymeric and colloidal systems: phase transformations in depletion-driven colloids, spherical polymer brushes, polymer chains confined to spherical surfaces, adsorption of stiff copolymers on homogeneous flat surfaces, and stiff polymer adsorption onto striped surfaces. All the above topics have been addressed by using Monte-Carlo and Brownian Dynamics numerical techniques.