Un estudio de los problemas inventados por estudiantes de secundaria en España

  1. Espinoza-González, Johan
  2. Lupiáñez-Gómez, José Luis
  3. Segovia-Alex, Isidoro
Revista de educación de la Universidad de Granada

ISSN: 0214-0484

Datum der Publikation: 2016

Nummer: 23

Seiten: 85-101

Art: Artikel


The study explores the problems posed by a group of students of a Secondary School in Spain before two semistructured tasks of problem posing from three categories of analysis related to semantic, syntactic and mathematical structure thereof. Furthermore, differences between the problems in each task proposed are analyzed. The results reported on the main characteristics of the problems according to their extension, interrogative sentence type and number employed, block of curricular content, number of steps, processes and different semantic relationships involved in solving the problem; as well as richness of the problems in each of the proposed tasks.

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