Andando... La acción de andar como práctica artística desde una perspectiva artográfica

  1. Martínez Morales, María
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Mª Isabel Moreno Montero Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 16 von Dezember von 2015

  1. Asunción Lozano Salmerón Präsidentin
  2. María Paz López-Peláez Casellas Sekretär/in
  3. Maria Teresa Torres Pereira de Eça Vocal

Art: Dissertation

Teseo: 415696 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


The action of walking as an artistic research from a autoethnographic perspective” is an artistic research based on the walk as an artistic practice of research due to the possibility of creating new discourses, connections and insights from my gaze as an artist, teacher and researcher, encouraging creating a map of actions that enriches the creative process and the construction of new narratives, a path that I am going tracing in the same act of walking. It responds to the way that it has been developing. A personal experience is inseparable of the artistic experience, It project in the action of walking a way of proceed, encouraging the appearance of new paths during the inquiry process, itis a coherent way with the content that gives meaning to research and provide flexibility to allow and development of this approach. The form is not intended to fit in to any pre-established framework, but to be part of the research predisposed to be replanted at any time to generate new research paths. The conductive thread except to confirm the drift as research methodology, a critical tool to establish of action based on my artistic practice. It expect to collect in its structure those phases contained in the artistic process, therefore, It proposed rift as artistic practice foundation of the methodology used in research. Walking is a form of knowledge, intervention and transformation, traveling to unexplored territories or unknown stories to reach untold stories, or what remain invisible.