Quercetina y entrenamiento. Análisis del estrés oxidativo y la biogénesis mitocondrial en tejidos con diferente actividad metabólica

  1. Casuso Pérez, Rafael Antonio
Supervised by:
  1. Antonio Martínez-Amat Director
  2. F. Hita Contreras Director
  3. Emilio J. Martínez López Director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 21 March 2014

  1. Pilar Aranda Ramírez Chair
  2. Francisco Javier Molina Ortega Secretary
  3. Jose Alberto Ramos Duarte Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 371653 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


The aim of the present PhD Thesis was to analyze ergogenic effects of quercetin when it is supplemented during exercise. The second goal was to know quercetin's effect on skeletal muscle and brain adaptations to exercise. For this purpose rats were allocated into 4 groups: i) control group (sedentary and no quercetin ingestion); ii) exercised group; iii) quercetin group; iv) quercetin and exercised group. After 6 weeks of treatment it was shown that quercetin is unable to increase exercise performance neither in sedentary nor in exercised rats. Moreover, quercetin increase oxidative damage in both sedentary and concomitant with exercise. Quercetin seems to be an exercise mimetic in regards to mitochondrial biogenesis, however, when quercetin is supplemented during exercise mitochondrial biogenesis is hampered. Thus, quercetin does not provide any advantage for cellular adaptations in response to exercise