El efecto de la crisis en el deporte federado español y su realidad a nivel europeo

  1. Puga González, Maria Esther
Supervised by:
  1. David Cabello Manrique Director
  2. Gema Torres Luque Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 21 December 2018

  1. Alberto Nuviala Nuviala Chair
  2. Enrique Ortega Toro Secretary
  3. Virginia Viciana Garófano Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 583375 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


Sport has becorne a majar socio-econornic rnarvel of the rnodern world, with broad media coverage and both active and passive participation. Sporting achievernent, the public irnage of rnany countries, is a top priority far the governrnents of developed nations and represents a goal of general interest. In this study, we have undertaken an analysis of the status of Spanish sport rnodel and a cornparative study within the rnost irnportant countries of a similar size and characteristics. Using data analysis, we have exarnined the reality of the sport rnodels in 11 countries through sportive variables, as well as the financials behind the sporting econorny in the last 5 Olyrnpic Garnes. The data reveals better and more efficient rnodels sorne of the analysed countries, particularly in UK and the Netherland, but also a need of change if Spain wants to keep its current level of achievernent internationally, where the current rnodel requires a review of its structure and funding sources, public or prívate, and the rnodernisation of the federated rnanagernent rnodel that rnust be preserved and encouraged through (non-profit) organisations that benefit frorn a favourable tax systern, such as the Sports Federations.