Variables psicosociales relacionadas a la obesidad infantil y adaptaciones al ejercicio físico intervalado de alta intensidad en escolares

  1. Delgado Floody, Pedro Antonio
Supervised by:
  1. Felipe García Pinillos Director
  2. Pedro Ángel Latorre Román Co-director

Defence university: Universidad de Jaén

Fecha de defensa: 26 April 2018

  1. Víctor Manuel Soto Hermoso Chair
  2. Juan A. Párraga Montilla Secretary
  3. Jaime Cárcamo Oyarzún Committee member

Type: Thesis

Teseo: 576903 DIALNET lock_openRUJA editor


Obesity is associated with psychosocial problems such as deficiencies in social coexistence, quality life and biomarkers. For the treatment of obesity, there is evidence that high intensity interval training (HIIT) is feasible to improve biomarkers and quality life in the adult population. In the school population, the evidence is more limited, creating a gap regarding its applicability. The main purpose of the research has been to determine the variables that are being affected by childhood obesity from a global perspective and determine the effects of HIIT-based games applied in Physical Education classes on weight status, cardiorespiratory fitness and blood pressure of overweight and obese school children.