Efecto de un programa de actividad física en el medio acuático sobre las constantes hemodinámicas en mujeres embarazadas
- Juana María Vázquez-Lara
- Carlos Ruiz-Frutos
- Luciano Rodríguez-Díaz
- Jesús Ramírez-Rodrigo
- Carmen Villaverde-Gutiérrez
- Gema Torres-Luque
ISSN: 1130-8621
Year of publication: 2018
Volume: 28
Issue: 5
Pages: 316-325
Type: Article
More publications in: Enfermería clínica
Objective To evaluate the effect of a physical activity programme in the aquatic environment with immersion up to the neck, of six weeks duration, on haemodynamic constants in pregnant women. Methods A six-week physical activity programme in the aquatic environment was carried out with a total of 46 pregnant women, who were distributed into an experimental group (n = 18), which participated in the programme, and a control group (n = 28), which followed routine care. In both groups different haemodynamic measurements were evaluated before and after the program. Results At the beginning of the programme the mean systolic blood pressure was similar between groups, but diastolic blood pressure was slightly higher in the experimental group. When the measurements at the last session were compared, arterial pressures (systolic, diastolic and mean) were significantly higher in the control group (p <.050). Similarly, the initial plasma volume values did not differ between groups, but after the intervention, the control group women showed a higher mean (p <.010). The fraction of sodium excretion (FENa) increased significantly in the experimental group, after the programme, with a mean three times higher (p <.050). Aldosterone plasma levels did not show significant differences between the groups in the different measurements. Conclusion A programme of swimming and immersion exercises in pregnant women contributes to hydrosaline balance, preventing an excessive increase in usual plasma volume during pregnancy and in the activity of the renin-aldosterone axis.
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