A web application to support teaching of computer graphics to engineering students*

  1. David Rocha
  2. Daniel Expósito
  3. Juan. Ruiz de Miras
  4. María Dolores Robles Ortega
The International journal of engineering education

ISSN: 0949-149X

Year of publication: 2018

Volume: 34

Issue: 1

Pages: 34-44

Type: Article

More publications in: The International journal of engineering education

Sustainable development goals


This paper presentsa web application designed to support the teachingof basic3D computer graphicsconcepts. Thistool isaimed at introductory courses of computer graphics in the context of engineering studies. Through the web platform, theteacher configures and proposes interactively exercises related to the main 3D concepts studied in this kind of course. Thestudent accesses the exercises through the web application and configures a solution, also visually and interactively, usingthe tool. Then the teacher can visualize the solutions given by the students and compare them with the right solution in a 3Denvironment. In addition, the platform provides an automatic pre-assessment of the exercises, which can be adopted by theprofessor or modified based on the visual revision. The tool has already been used in the classroom and it was assessed byanalyzing both the experience of use and the relation between students’ marks and the number of interactive exercisesperformed. The results obtained suggest that using the application is a positive factor to obtain better marks, regardless thestudents’ ability or competence. The application is available via the link: http://www4.ujaen.es/~demiras/cgex.