Catalogación, análisis y validación de los tipos nomenclaturales del herbario de la universidad de Granada

  1. Carmen Quesada Ochoa Zuzendaria
  2. Gabriel Blanca López Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Granada

Fecha de defensa: 2019(e)ko otsaila-(a)k 08

  1. Manuel B. Crespo Villalba Presidentea
  2. Juan Lorite Moreno Idazkaria
  3. Francisco Pando de la Hoz Kidea
  4. Consuelo Díaz de la Guardia Guerrero Kidea
  5. Neus Ibáñez Cortina Kidea

Mota: Tesia


Summary In the last two decades the advance of new technologies has radically changed the way to carry out taxonomic research, compilations and catalogues of species. Since the end of the 20th century, large amounts of information have been incorporated in databases as a result of digitizing scientific texts and specimen information from natural history collections. Consequently, we are now confronted with a very different panorama from that of botanists of past centuries. Herbaria, natural history collections, and libraries, among others, are guarantors of the conservation of their collections and must be accessible to researchers. They nowadays need to undergo profound changes in their work methodology to respond to current needs and requirements. In this sense, online accessibility and data, files or digital formats interoperability between repositories or integration portals, as well as between sources and different devices and output formats of the queries, are priority objectives for the institutions that house the most diverse scientific information (from a genetic code to an organism, or from a data to a scientific text or any type of scientific images). Because the Herbarium of the University of Granada is committed to confront the challenges associated with applying new information technologies in natural history collections, it has incorporated the concepts, techniques, and protocols necessary to provide new ways to access and use the collections data. The final goal is to guarantee the best possible services to the scientific, research and management communities. In the last years, it has focused its efforts on the development of the virtual catalogue of nomenclatural types in order to ensure their conservation, as well as to facilitate their accessibility through data and image integration portals. However, the general catalogue of nomenclatural types of the Herbarium GDA was still pending due to the heterogeneity of its collections that come from two herbaria GDA and GDAC with different origin, dates, taxonomic groups, and curatorial treatment. Changes introduced during the last century in the requirements established by the International Code of Nomenclature ([1] McNeill et al., 2012) for the designation of type specimens and the publication of new species have also contributed to the existence of this different curatorial treatment. One of the goals of this thesis has been to carry out an in-depth analysis of both sections and their historical collections in order to reveal the existence of nomenclatural types whose deposit in the herbarium was unknown. In this sense, the specification of the herbarium, collection or institution where the type is conserved became mandatory in 1990, according to Art. 40.7 of the International Code of Nomenclature (ICN). Although most of the publications prior to 1990 did not include this data, the adoption of best practices in the labelling, registration and formats of the nomenclatural types, has made it possible to locate many of these specimens. The rest have had to be located through searches and bibliographic revisions of the historical collections involved. Subsequently, the verification of all the types included in the catalogue has been carried out, checking on their publications the names of the taxa, authors, place, and date of publication, as well as their nomenclatural status, the type category of each one of the specimens, the location of other specimens of the typical series, and their taxonomic status. The curatorial treatment applied to all catalogued types has also been completed, along with the unification of formats and their information. During the verification process of this information, errors in the database have been revealed and corrected, thereby contributing to the databases cleaning and their validation. In this validation process, types corresponding to a bryophytes taxon and eight of vascular plants whose names had not been published in an effective and valid way (according to Art. 29-30 and 32 of the ICN) have been removed from the catalogue. Other four types have been validated by publishing the typification of their names in a valid way. The loss of 10 types corresponding to six taxa of vascular plants has also been detected. In total, 533 nomenclatural types of vascular plants, four of macroscopic algae, 142 of fungi and four of lichens have been catalogued. From these, 293 types of vascular plants and 42 of fungi have been detected after the study of the historical collections included in the GDA Herbarium and the exhaustive review of the Fungi collection. In addition, 32 new types have been incorporated into the vascular collection and 54 types of fungi in GDA-Fungi corresponding to the publication of new taxa. The compiled catalogues are presented in the results chapter, as well as the previous analysis of each studied collection, and how the preparation of each catalogue has been carried out. As a result of the review and cataloguing carried out on the algae collection, two of the taxa catalogued have been typifing in the article “Typification of algae described by Simón de Rojas Clemente and Rubio deposited at the Herbarium of the University of Granada (Spain)”, ([2] Vizoso & Cremades, 2016) in Phytotaxa 275(1): 45-54 ( article/view/phytotaxa.275.1.5). In the same way, the revision of the historical collection of Amo and Mora has allowed to publish the types of the names proposed by Amo and Mora in order to publicize their location at the herbarium and clarify certain inaccuracies about their protologues and publication places ([4] Vizoso & Quesada, 2018). Over all catalogued types, the protocol established for taking digital images following the standards in terms of capture, treatment, formats and metadata was applied. Likewise, the data sets related to the types in format Darwin Core 1.4 and Darwin Core Archive have been obtained and the images, data sets, and their metadata have been transferred to the respective servers of images, data, and IPT (Integrated Publishing Toolkit) of GBIF.ES. The data sets and metadata corresponding to the type catalogues have been indexed in GBIF’s national and international portals. The data set corresponding to the catalogue of nomenclatural types of fungi and lichens (doi:10.15468/2a7kqy) has been made available in, and indexed in the international portal ( In addition, the catalogue of types of fungi and lichens has been published as a data paper ([3] Vizoso & Quesada, 2015) in Biodiversity Data Journal 3: e5204 (13 Jul 2015), accessible in, which expands the audiences to which the information on the existence of this data set and type materials may be of interest. Likewise, the data set corresponding to the catalogue of types of vascular plants (doi:10.15470/k97bjm) has been published through the IPT and the national portal GBIF.ES, accessible in https://ipt. and on the international portal GBIF.ORG The catalogues have been made accessible on the website of the Herbarium of the University of Granada ( For each catalogue, the list of types from each taxon is presented, followed by their place of publication. When corresponding diagnosis and/or description and locotype indication are available in some repository, it has been linked to the place of publication. In its absence, it has been linked to the PDF of the description part. Macro and microscopic descriptions, electronic microscopy images or specimen in nature images, have also been included in the fungi catalogue. When the type has been sequenced and their gene sequences deposited in the Genbank or EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) repositories it has been linked to the corresponding sequence through their accession number. The cataloguing and accessibility to the nomenclatural types, to their publications, their data and their images at the same access point facilitates revisions by researchers and taxonomists. The integration of data and images in portals of national and international scope facilitates the knowledge about and location of the types and of the collections and institutions that guard them, thereby improving the response time for many researchers. References [1] McNeill, J., Barrie, F., Buck, W., Demoulin, V., Greuter, W., Hawksworth, D., . . . Turland, N. (2012). International Code of Nomenclature for algae, fungi, and plants (Melbourne Code) adopted by the Eighteenth International Botanical Congress Melbourne, Australia, July 2011 (Vol. 154). Koeltz Scientific Books. (Accesible en nomen/main.php) [2] Vizoso, M.T., & Cremades, J. (2016). Typification of algae described by Simón de Rojas Clemente y Rubio deposited at the Herbarium of the University of Granada (Spain). Phytotaxa, 275 (1), 45-54. [3] Vizoso, M.T., & Quesada, C. (2015). Catalogue of type specimens of fungi and lichens deposited in the Herbarium of the University of Granada (Spain). Biodiversity Data Journal, 3 (e5204), 1-20. doi:10.3897/BDJ.3.e5204 [4] Vizoso, M.T., & Quesada, C. (2018). Nomenclatural types of names published by Amo y Mora. Phytotaxa, 356 (4), 276-284.