Caracterización hidroquímica de las relaciones río-acuífero en la Sierra de Lújar (Granada).

  1. Cardenal Escarcena, F. Javier
  2. Benavente Herrera, José
  3. Cruz Sanjulián, J. Javier

ISSN: 0213-683X

Datum der Publikation: 1991

Nummer: 11

Seiten: 59-60

Art: Artikel

Andere Publikationen in: Geogaceta


Besides of the early-summer snowmelt effect on the Guadalfeo river salinity, the hydrochemical data point out that a significant part of the discharge of the Sierra de Lújar carbonate aquifer is made directly towards the Guadalfeo alluvium, and the springs seem to drain a fraction-perhaps only minor of the whole groundwater resources