Levelling profiles and a GPS network to monitor the active folding and faulting deformation in the campo de dalias (Betic Cordillera, Southeastern Spain)
- Marín-Lechado, C.
- Galindo-Zaldívar, J.
- Gil, A.J.
- Borque, M.J.
- de Lacy, M.C.
- Pedrera, A.
- López-Garrido, A.C.
- Alfaro, P.
- García-Tortosa, F.
- Ramos, M.I.
- Rodríguez-Caderot, G.
- Rodríguez-Fernández, J.
- Ruiz-Constán, A.
- de Galdeano-Equiza, C.S.
ISSN: 1424-8220
Year of publication: 2010
Volume: 10
Issue: 4
Pages: 3504-3518
Type: Article