Serum cytokine profile in patients with pancreatic cancer

  1. Torres, C.
  2. Perales, S.
  3. Alejandre, M.J.
  4. Iglesias, J.
  5. Palomino, R.J.
  6. Martin, M.
  7. Caba, O.
  8. Prados, J.C.
  9. Aránega, A.
  10. Delgado, J.R.
  11. Irigoyen, A.
  12. Ortuño, F.M.
  13. Rojas, I.
  14. Linares, A.

ISSN: 1536-4828 0885-3177

Year of publication: 2014

Volume: 43

Issue: 7

Pages: 1042-1049

Type: Article

DOI: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000000155 GOOGLE SCHOLAR

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