Binge drinkingconductas sexuales de riesgo y drogas facilitadoras del asalto sexual en jóvenes españoles
- Manuel Isorna Folgar 2
- Francisca Fariña Rivera 2
- Juan Carlos Sierra 3
- Pablo Vallejo Medina 1
Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz
Universidade de Vigo
Universidad de Granada
ISSN: 0121-4381
Año de publicación: 2015
Volumen: 22
Número: 1
Páginas: 1-8
Tipo: Artículo
Otras publicaciones en: Suma Psicológica
Drug use (alcohol included) as a sexual-assault facilitator and risky sexual behavior are two important issues from a social and health perspective. This study aims to compare the attitudes towards these variables in a sample of 164 young people in conditions of intoxication vs sobriety. The sample consisted of 82 men and 82 women. Their mean age was 27.50 (SD = 3.72). Participants answered a sociodemographic questionnaire, a drug information questionnaire, and the Sexual Behaviors Scale. and moreover, Several Zaphir Deluxe Digital breathalyzers were also used to monitor alcohol level. This is a quasi- experimental study conducted using a within-subject design. Non-probabilistic snowball sampling was used. The results showed more positive attitudes and greater intentions towards the use of drugs as facilitators of sexual assault and risky sexual behaviors in those who are under the influence of alcohol in recreational contexts, regardless of the sex of the sample. These results showed, on the one hand, the importance of studies into the use of drug facilitated sexual assault –a largely ignored issue in Spain– and to determine how drug use affects the use of contraceptive methods. On the other hand, the results show the need to include information in preventive programs about the way alcohol (and other drugs) use is related to sexual activity.
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