Hábitos de práctica de actividad física y estilo de vida saludable del alumnado de la Universidad de Huelva

  1. Castillo Viera, Estefanía
Supervised by:
  1. Pedro Sáenz-López Buñuel Director

Defence university: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 04 October 2006

  1. Santiago Romero Granados Chair
  2. Ángel Boza Carreño Secretary
  3. Manuel Delgado Fernández Committee member
  4. José María Rodríguez López Committee member

Type: Thesis


Finalmente, con estos datos hemos planteado una serie de implicaciones con las que se podrían mejorar los hábitos de práctica de actividad física del alumnado universitario. The practice of physical activity is one of healthy habits more recommended by many experts. Moreover, the beginning of University studies matches, in many cases, the start of physical inactivity. Therefore, in this study we want to know and analyse the habits of sport and relate them to the lifestyles of the University of Huelva students. For this study population data we have designed a questionnaire containing aspect as: identifying data, college sports management, physical activity, psycho-social aspects of the practice of physical- sport activity, influence school physical education, leisure and healthy practice. For the design of this instrument we have designed a technique query experts named Delphi method. To manage at the University, in order to ensure its validity, we carry out a pilot study in the Education Sciences Faculty. Corrected once applied to the cross-section of academics. Subsequently, with finally investigate, these data, were designed and applied some interviews in the form of life stories to four students with differents profiles, to extend information about their habits of practice of physical activity. Data obtained with both instruments were then compared. The results of the questionnaire include that 41,9 per cent of the students practice physical activity, although with a frequency of at least three days a week reduces 23,7 per cent, being more active than women men. Practitioners physical activity have better self-awareness of their health, better organize their free time, and have better eating habits. How practice, to prefer perform not mainstream physical activity and accompanied mainly from friends. Students who work and those who have more money are more active. The abandonment of the practice of physical activity matches the entry into the University. The main reason for the drop-outs or which do not practice is not have time. Furthermore, the most important reason to perform physical activity is "by exercising ". Interviewed students agree on the results of the questionnaire, but allow deepen in the circumstances surrounding his life in the key moments have practised or not physical activity. By way of example we can highlight the influence that the family has had on them to practise or not practise physical activity. Finally, with these data we have raised a number of implications that the habits of physical activity of University students practice could improve.