Valoración biomecánica de las salidas frontal y lateral de patinadores expertos tras tres años de entrenamiento específico

  1. Bohórquez Páez, Daniel Andrés Alejandro
unter der Leitung von:
  1. Francisco Javier Rojas Ruiz Doktorvater
  2. Francisco Javier Giménez Fuentes-Guerra Doktorvater/Doktormutter

Universität der Verteidigung: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 22 von Oktober von 2014

  1. Francisco Javier Castejón Oliva Präsident/in
  2. José Robles Rodríguez Sekretär/in
  3. María del Mar Cepero González Vocal

Art: Dissertation


competitive skating; possible Olympic sport in the near future; within the different types of speed skating tests are developed against the Individual Time Trial (CRI) for over 40 years, are carried out with frontal (SF) to the World Skating held in Gijón-Spain ago, 2008 when the American Bríttany. Bowe with side exit (SL) won world record. This research analyzed and evaluated biomechanically from the sagittal plane, the SF and SL in CRI testing speed, VSR skating expert skaters Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia after three years of specific training; with a methodology based on intentional non-probability sampling, as Casal, J. Mateu, E. (2003), the participant population were VSR skaters experts Villavicencio, Meta, Colombia, located in the TOP 10 in the national ranking of Colombia with initial sport aged 7 to 10 years and with over 10,000 hours of training load; the selected sample there were 11 skaters experts VSR, tour men representing 36.4% and seven women representing 63.6%. Software SIMI o Twinner Pro, with which data on the biomechanical variables times, displacements, velocities and accelerations were obtained was used; that allowed carrying out biomechanical assessment both in Pre-Test and Post-Test and thus evaluate the differences between them, using the statistical software SPSS version 19; application with 3 macrocycles training in 1168 days during 4437 hours of which 761 hours were devoted to training SF (380.5 h, ie, 50%) and the SL (380.5 h , ie, 50%), with the proposed Palomino, A. and Steel, J. (2010) it adding location skater in the starting line for the training of the SL. The application of the proposed PA & A allowed to accept and reject Ho Ha, demonstrating the efficiency and effectiveness ot the SF and SL significantly improved (p value = 0.00) confirming that she is dependent to significantly improve SF SL to develop and test the CRI.