Temática apocalíptica en Francia y Castilla durante la Baja Edad Media

  1. Rubio Real, Salvador
Dirixida por:
  1. Miguel Ángel Márquez Guerrero Director
  2. Pablo Luis Zambrano Carballo Director

Universidade de defensa: Universidad de Huelva

Fecha de defensa: 04 de novembro de 2016

  1. Antonio Chicharro Chamorro Presidente
  2. Dominique Bonnet Secretario/a
  3. Juan Frau Vogal

Tipo: Tese


The literature in French and Castilian Spanish has known a wide development in the Late Middle Ages. This development, with main examples as the roman in France or the poems from the Mester de Clerecía in Castille has overshadowed the apocalyptic literature which is the main theme of this thesis. The corpus of Apocalyptic Literature we have worked with in this thesis comes from early Latin, originated from the Christian Apocalyptic tradition. We propose, in this thesis, a new way to organise the Apocalyptic Literature in France and Castille in the Late Middle Ages based on the main themes displayed in the corpus. Thus, we have a primary group that includes three themes, and a secondary one, which includes just two. The main themes included in the first group are the Antichrist, the Signs of the Last Judgement and the Last Judgement. On the other hand, the second group contains two themes, the Last Emperor and the Unclean People.