Estudio de las metodologías para la enseñanza del fútbol en la edad escolar

  1. García Ceberino, Juan Manuel
  1. Sebastián Feu Molina Zuzendaria
  2. Sergio José Ibáñez Godoy Zuzendarikidea

Defentsa unibertsitatea: Universidad de Extremadura

Fecha de defensa: 2020(e)ko abendua-(a)k 21

  1. Jesús Medina Casaubón Presidentea
  2. María Teresa Gómez López Idazkaria
  3. Antonio Antúnez Medina Kidea

Mota: Tesia

Teseo: 642457 DIALNET


The main purpose of this Doctoral Thesis was to study and compare the impact of two teaching-learning methods applied to the practice of the sport of football in elementary education: Direct Instruction and Tactical Games Approach. A quasi-experimental and longitudinal pre/post type of designs were used to determine differences in each method. The previous researches that have compared methods show the need to study the variables that influence the teaching-learning process of football together. Therefore, this Doctoral Thesis has tried to respond to the study of methods through the analysis of different variables: (1) the declarative and procedural knowledge; (2) the learning of technical component and tactical awareness; (3) the kinematic parameters and physical fitness; and (4) the psychological factors. For the study of these variables, the Doctoral Thesis has been divided into two large parts: (1) the design and validation of the instruments; and (2) the intervention in the physical education class. The results obtained in the different researches of the Doctoral Thesis show that both methods are beneficial. However, the Tactical Games Approach method has shown to be more beneficial than the Direct Instruction method at the cognitive, physical fitness and psychological levels. Likewise, the results highlight that physical education teachers must attend to the effect of gender and the students experience during football teaching.